Pre-Employment Background Checks

Background checks performed by Wilson Investigations will help you make sound objective decisions about the people you employ for your business.  Wilson Investigations performs the most discreet, comprehensive and detailed oriented background investigations possible to assure you’re receiving the best employee possible to enrich your business.  Our office has over 35 years of combined experience in performing background checks to insure you receive factual informative research you can trust and rely on.  Upon completion of the background investigation you will be provided with a confidential, detailed background report delivered electronically or on hard copy by mail or in person.

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Employment References:

Employment reference checks are an effective means of verifying a potential employee’s application and/or resume/curriculum vitae. The process allows the company to hire an individual that is well suited for the specific job and workplace based on fact.

Education Verification:

It is imperative for employers to confirm the applicant’s claim of having graduated from high school, earned a GED, completed technical training, or obtained a college degree. This relieves the employer to know the applicant is truthful and qualifies for the positioned being sought.

Personal References:

Personal references seldom amount to more than a list of friends or neighbors who speak well of the applicant. A competent investigator can structure polite concise questions that may reveal undisclosed gaps in employment, exaggerated educational experience, or exaggerated credentials. Do not underestimate the value of effective personal reference verification.

Identity Verification:

With identity theft on the rise it is imperative that employers know who they are hiring. A routine database search can prevent costly delays associated with the hiring of employees. The Department of Homeland Security recently implemented the No-Match Rule to assist employers in dealing with identity inaccuracies. While the No-Match Rule is the subject of ongoing litigation with the ACLU and others; it is undoubtedly a template for future efforts to curtail identity theft abuse in the workplace. Stay ahead of the curve and implement a cost effective method of verifying the true identify of all your employees.

Driving Records:

Employers should routinely check the driving records of applicants who will drive company vehicles, operate heavy machinery or represent the company while in any motor vehicle.

A driver’s record is an extremely cost effective search and can greatly reduce the employers risk with regard to transportation related incidents and accidents.

Military Records:

Most applicants and employers are unaware that military records can be verified. Likewise most applicants wrongly assume that their claims of military experience will not be checked for accuracy. If you suspect that an applicant may be misrepresenting his or her military record, or discharge status, you owe it to your company to perform a thorough military background check.

Professional License Verification:

Government authorities with oversight of professional licensees generally maintain records with regard to education, investigations, and disciplinary matters. The multitude of licenses and controlling agencies can make it nearly impossible for a small to mid-size employer to verify all the different types of licenses and credentials claimed by potential employees. We are able to efficiently verify the license and check for any disciplinary actions, suspensions or revocations and current status.

Financial Background:

An applicant’s financial background is an excellent indicator of his or her potential as an employee. Credit scores, bankruptcy records, liens, judgments, civil lawsuits and equity to debt analysis may be included in the investigative report.

Find the Answers You Need

Anywhere in the US – we can verify your subject’s application and obtain the information you need about their resume and professional claims.  Call now 773-242- 9628 in Houston, or contact us online.