Child Custody Investigations

Are you involved in a bitter divorce and concerned for your children’s well-being?  Is your ex-husband or ex-wife placing your children in harm’s way? Allow our experienced private investigators in Houston, TX to perform the background information or surveillance you need to protect your children.

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Information You Need

Investigators at Wilson Investigations know first-hand what is required to obtain sole custody.  What is required:

  • Are they consuming alcohol or narcotics in the presence of the children?
  • Are they consuming alcohol or narcotics just before picking up the children?
  • Are they dating someone who is unsavory or dangerous?
  • Are they leaving the children unattended?
  • Are they using standard safeguards while transporting the children?
  • Are they living in a safe environment?
  • Is the person the ex-spouse dating a criminal?

Our Houston private investigators perform all of their investigations with total discretion. Your primary duty to your children is to keep them safe and out of harm’s way.

Factual Information Is Required in a Court of Law

You can be confident all of the information submitted in our detailed reports will be factual and upon request can have certified addendums attached.  Our private investigators utilize:

  • Government verification web sites only accessible with a state license.
  • Uses the most sophisticated surveillance equipment necessary to observe and record.
  • Can perform criminal history background checks.
  • Obtain affidavits when and where required.
  • Can submit questionable material for laboratory analysis.
  • Will keep you informed daily.

Find the Answers You Need

Anywhere in the World – Our private investigators handle child custody cases all over the world.

Call now 713-468-2646 in Houston, or contact us online.