Authenticating Physical Evidence
Investigators at Wilson Investigations use modern state-of-the-art equipment to record information:
- Mobile Technology
- Stationary Technology
- Photography
- Videotaping
- Thermal Imaging
- Covert Recording Devices
The devices we use are custom designed to ensure we can provide you a more detailed and thorough report of the evidence required substantiating your case. Personal injury cases require expert testimony backed up by solid physical evidence.
Always Confidential
You can be confident that your case will be performed discreetly and remain absolutely confidential. Your case will be handled in a timely, professional manner regardless of your case or situation. For example:
- Canvassing for witnesses.
- Re-interview existing witnesses.
- Obtaining notarized affidavits.
- Finding expert witnesses to assist your case.
- Know in advance what expert witnesses will testify.
- Perform thorough background checks on all parties.
- Getting the job done.
Find the Answers You Need
Anywhere in the World – Our private investigators work personal injury cases for the plaintiff and defense. Call now 773-242-9628 in Houston, or contact us online.
Our Other Services
- Litigation Support and Services
- Arbitration Support and Investigations
- International Attorney Support and Investigations
- International Background Searches
- International Asset Searches
- Domestic Asset Searches
- Domestic Background Investigations
- Criminal Background Investigations
- Federal, Felony and Misdemeanor Check